SASSA Payment Dates for July: Get More Details

The SASSA funding is significant at every step. It’s time to verify the payments after receiving SASSA grant approval. Having worked in the field for more than ten years, I have seen that while many individuals monitor the SASSA payment dates, they frequently fail to notice the payment schedule because of inaccurate information. Consequently, they either incur late fees or must start over from scratch.

Don’t panic if missing information is causing you to miss payment deadlines. This post will explain the payment date schedule and advise on getting over roadblocks. Read the entire article to take advantage of all the research findings.

What is the (SASSA)?

Since its founding in April 2005, the South African Social Security Agency, or Millions of South Africans, have significantly benefited from the vital work done by the organization known by its loving acronym, SASSA. The Department of Social Development (DSD) developed SASSA, which functions as a social welfare guardian angel, in response to the urgent need for a comprehensive social security system in South Africa.


SASSA has been a pillar of support from the organization’s founding to the present (2023), ensuring that families and vulnerable persons have a safety net to rely on. The SASSA has been a symbol of optimism throughout history, growing from modest beginnings to a diverse organization that affects many people’s lives. Its efficiency and reach have increased as it has adjusted to the constantly shifting requirements of South Africa’s heterogeneous populace. The goal of SASSA has remained constant with every year that has gone by: to improve the general well-being of the country’s people, lessen inequality, and alleviate poverty.

As we examine SASSA’s history, it’s important to remember that, as of 2022, 46% of South Africans had received a social grant from the organization. This figure demonstrates how much influence SASSA has, which makes it an essential part of South Africa’s social fabric.

SASSA Grant Payment Dates of July 2024:

SASSA notified the grant applicants of the July payment dates. You can check your SASSA status to confirm your pay date or grant amount. Therefore, on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, you will pick up your money if you are an older grant candidate. Disabled people can also pick up their award on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, the following day.

The child support grant will be available to parents starting Friday, July 5, 2024. On the other side, you can also receive your award on Friday, July 5, 2024, if you are an application for an SASSA care dependence or foster kid. Nonetheless, thoroughly read this advice if you need additional information regarding the revised payment dates for your grant:

In contrast to the June payment dates, SASSA’s July award distribution began on July 2nd.

  • SRD R350: July 2, 2024, Tuesday to Thursday, July 4, 2024
  • Old Age: July 2, 2024, a Tuesday
  • Veterans of War: Tuesday, July 2, 2024
  • Disability: July 3, 2024, Wednesday
  • Dependency on Care: Wednesday, July 3, 2024
  • Child Support: July 4, 2024, Thursday
  • Grant for Foster Children: Thursday, July 4, 2024

Grant Amount:

  1. Grant for Old Age (60 to 75): R2,180
  2. R2,200 is the Old Age Grant (75 & Over).
  3. Grant for Disability: R2,180
  4. Grant for Child Support: R530
  5. Grant for War Veterans: R2,200
  6. Grant for Dependency on Care: R2,180
  7. Grant for Foster Child: R1,180
  8. Grant for SRD R370 (Previously R350): R370

SASSA R350 Money Dates 2024/2025:

In 2024, the SASSA R350 grant will still be in effect. This money helps South Africans without jobs who need assistance paying for food. Payments are made every month during the first week. Every month, from the fourth to the seventh, people should have money in their bank accounts.

These significant relief funds are disbursed on scheduled payment periods. Dates for the R350 SASSA money 2024 are broken down weekly in the table. This makes it easier for people to budget for the grant’s arrival.

Grant Month Older Persons Grant Disability Grant Childrens Grant
January 2024 03 January 2024 04 January 2024 05 January 2024
February 2024 02 February 2024 05 February 2024 06 February 2024
March 2024 03 March 2024 04 March 2024 07 March 2024
April 2024 3 April 2024 4 April 2024 5 April 2024
May 2024 3 May 2024 6 May 2024 7 May 2024
June 2024 4 June 2024 5 June 2024 6 June 2024
July 2024 2 July 2024 3 July 2024 4 July 2024
August 2024 2 August 2024 5 August 2024 6 August 2024
September 2024 3 September 2024 4 September 2024 5 September 2024
October 2024 2 October 2024 3 October 2024 4 October 2024
November 2024 5 November 2024 6 November 2024 7 November 2024
December 2024 3 December 2024 4 December 2024 5 December 2024
January 2025 3 January 2025 6 January 2025 7 January 2025
February 2025 4 February 2025 5 February 2025 6 February 2025
March 2025 4 March 2025 5 March 2025 6 March 2025

Different Types of SASSA Payment:

The (SASSA) offers a range of grants to qualified people and families in South Africa to help them satisfy their necessities and enhance their quality of life. These funds are essential in combating inequality and poverty. These are the primary categories of SASSA awards:

Social Relief of Distress:

A temporary award known as Social Relief of Distress is given to people or families experiencing severe difficulty due to unanticipated events such as a natural catastrophe or a loss of income. It offers short-term respite till things settle down.

SASSA has not confirmed the precise date of the SRD R370 grant (formerly R350). Therefore, you will get your money between Thursday, July 25, and Wednesday, July 31, 2024, assuming your grant status for the SRD award is accepted. You must check your status often to determine your precise payment date.

Old Age Grant:

South Africans who have attained 60 years of age and are not receiving any other type of social grant are the target audience for the Old Age Grant. It helps older adults pay for living expenses by giving them cash support.

On Tuesday, July 2, 2024, the winners of the older person grant will get their money. You can get R2,180 if your age falls between 60 and 75. South Africans who are 75 years of age or older will earn R2,200.

Disability Grant:

For those whose handicap keeps them from working and earning a living, there is the handicap Grant. A medical evaluation is required of applicants to establish their eligibility.

You will get your disability allowance on Wednesday, July 3, 2024; the total distribution amount is R2,180.

War Veterans Grant:

Veterans of the South African National Defense Force and former non-statutory forces participating in particular wars and military activities can apply for this payment.

Child Support Grant:

The Child Support Grant helps parents support their children under eighteen. It is a valuable tool for families to safeguard the well-being of their children and is accessible to caregivers who satisfy specific income requirements.

On Friday, July 5, 2024, parents and caregivers will get their foster child grants or SASSA child assistance. The foster child grant is R1,180, whereas the child support grant is R530.

Foster Child Grant:

To assist with the expenses of caring for children who have been removed from their biological relatives due to unavoidable circumstances, foster parents may apply for the Foster Child Grant.

Care Dependency Grant:

Caregivers of children with severe impairments who need extra care and attention are eligible for this funding. One way to evaluate eligibility is by a medical evaluation.

The SASSA care dependence grant application deadline is Friday, July 5, 2024. The award amount is R2,180.


A grant-in-aid is short-term financial assistance given to people or families experiencing extraordinary circumstances affecting their capacity to sustain themselves, such as a severe sickness or natural disaster.

For many South Africans, these SASSA subsidies are a lifeline, providing access to basic requirements and assistance to enhance the quality of life for disadvantaged groups. Each award has specific requirements for eligibility, and SASSA handles application processing and payment distribution to eligible parties, making a substantial contribution to South Africa’s social welfare system.

Who Benefits from the 2024 SASSA Payment?

The (SASSA) makes monthly payments to those in need. To access SASSA funds, you must prove you are a South African citizen. Funds from SASSA cannot be obtained if you receive other forms of government assistance. This guarantees that SASSA assistance reaches those who require it most. To receive funds from SASSA, follow these guidelines:

  • You and your family must make less than R86,280 annually. When applying, you will present your income documentation.
  • The SASSA Old Age Award is available to anyone who is 60 years of age or older.
  • The children must be under 18 to be eligible for child grants. When applying, you provide their birth certificates.
  • Age restrictions do not apply to disability awards. However, your impairment has to be verified by a physician.
  • Grants for foster children are available to foster parents. Present the income evidence and the court order.
  • Grants for child dependence are intended for children with impairments who require full-time home care. Medical records are necessary.

To apply, you must provide the required documentation. Apply in person at a nearby SASSA office or online. You’ll know whether you comply with the regulations. You can then obtain money. Thus, SASSA ensures that monthly funds are given to those who most need them.

Steps for Online SASSA Money Application:

The (SASSA) makes monthly payments to those in need. If you are eligible, you may apply online. SASSA offers subsidies for children, those with disabilities, older people, and others. In 2024, use these procedures to apply online:

  • Visit the website of SASSA. Find the grant that best suits your needs. Launch your application after that.
  • Select the necessary SASSA grant. This might be a stipend for a youngster, an older adult, a handicap, or anything else.
  • Enter the information requested in the online form. Name, date of birth, ID number, and contact details are all included.
  • Include any necessary documents, such as your ID, proof of income, health records, etc. This proves your eligibility to SASSA.
  • Before submitting your application, make sure you review all of the information.
  • When you submit, SASSA issues you a reference number. Keep this number handy.
  • The SASSA may need up to two months to review your documents and personal information. Have patience.
  • If you are eligible, SASSA notifies you via phone or online message. You then receive the grant.
  • SASSA deposits your grant into your bank account each month if authorized.
  • Verify the status of your application online by using your reference number. If you have any questions, contact SASSA.

Thus, it’s pretty simple to apply for SASSA awards online. Simply go to their website, enter your information, and upload your documents. Next, check to see if you’re approved for monthly support.

Receiving Your 2024 SASSA July Grant Payment:

During the grant application process, you can pick a simple payment method to determine which SASSA award you get. Your award will thus be instantly transferred using the chosen method, whether you choose a bank account, SASSA card, PayPoint, or post office. To obtain your grant amount via the payment method you have chosen, please complete the steps listed below:

First Method: Get SASSA Grant Through Post Office Branches SAPO/Post

If the post office chose you throughout the application procedure to get your monthly award, visit the post office that is closest to you;

  • Take your identity card first, then head to the nearest post office.
  • Request the July SASSA payment collection from the staff and provide them with your ID number and cellphone number registered with SASSA.
  • To verify, they will give you a USSD message on your phone.
  • If you approve it, the staff will provide you with your grant money for July.

Method 2: Get the Grant deposited into your bank account

If “Bank Account” is your selected payment method on the day of payment, the prize money will be sent directly to the bank account. As soon as the cash is deposited into your account, you may take them from your bank or the nearest ATM.

Step 3: Utilize your SASSA card

The grant amount will be immediately transferred to your SASSA card on the payment date if you get your monthly grant via SASSA card. Once the funds are loaded onto your card, you can access them at any ATM or store.

Method 4: Making Use of Affiliated Vendors

Suppose you choose to work at any SASSA-partnered retailer, such as Shoprite, Boxer, Pick & Pay, and Spar, during the application process. Then, on the day of your payment, you must go to the merchant of your choice to withdraw your award.

Kindly adhere to the guidelines provided below to retrieve your payment:

  • Visit your selected merchant on your pay day with your ID document, and SASSA registered phone number after getting the July award SMS.
  • When you get there, proceed to the cash register and inform the employees that you have come to pick up your SASSA payment.
  • Your identity card and the communication from the SASSA regarding your July payment deadline will be required.
  • They will provide you with your award money once they have finished their verification procedure.

Why Is the SASSA Date Important?

The dates on which SASSA disburses funds are critical to award recipients. Anticipating the arrival of cheques enables budgeting for the excess funds. The following are some justifications for why the SASSA money dates are essential:

  • Every month, millions of South Africans rely on funding from SASSA. Thanks to the payment dates, they can budget and take care of everyday necessities.
  • Depending on who receives it, the money is usually sent on the first, third, or fourth of the month. SASSA strives to make timely payments.
  • If SASSA payments are abruptly delayed, it causes problems for those waiting for the money. It is helpful to notify individuals before any changes to the dates.

Individuals depend on receiving their SASSA funds every month. A consistent payment schedule is essential. Recipients must keep track of when their money is supposed to arrive. This helps guarantee that there are no oversights or surprises. You must review the payment schedule.

Problems People Have with SASSA Money:

Even with SASSA’s best efforts to pay on schedule each month, problems can sometimes arise. Once you understand the issues and know how to resolve them, you may rapidly resume receiving money. If beneficiaries have a financial issue, they must notify SASSA immediately. Here are a few typical problems, along with solutions:

  • Late payments: Give it a few days; vacations and computer problems might create delays.
  • Incorrect payment sum: Dial SASSA right away to adjust the inaccurate amount.
  • Cash card misplaced or stolen: Quickly report a misplaced card so nobody else uses it.
  • A change in your finances or life: Notify SASSA of any changes to your family, employment, or income.
  • The issue with the money’s destination: Report problems with your Post Office or bank account.

How to Get Your SASSA Money:

You can collect your monthly payment in one of two ways if awarded the R350 SASSA grant.

  • Visit USave, Pick n Pay, Shoprite, Boxer, or Checkers. These stores serve as locations where your grant money is collected.
  • Alternatively, you can withdraw money from ATMs using your gold SASSA card.

You may avoid standing in long, annoying queues on payment occasions using these techniques. It saves time and headaches to be a bit patient.

Checking Your SASSA Money in 2024:

SASSA provides monthly financial assistance to eligible South Africans. You can access your application and payment information online on the SASSA website in 2024. Use your phone to check via SMS or text as well. You must enter your ID and provide reference numbers to view your status. You may see the dates and payment amounts by doing this. It also enables you to report any financial problems. Your SASSA finances may be quickly monitored using online and SMS services.

  • Visit this link to apply for SASSA funding for 2024:
  • Check the status of your 2024 payments by going to

Wrapping Up:

Prepare to pick up your SASSA award on Tuesday, July 2, as SASSA distributes funds for senior citizens on that day. The sole day available to candidates with disabilities is Wednesday, July 3. However, on Friday, July 5, 2024, you can pick up your award if you’re an application for foster care, care dependence, or SASSA child support. You have till July 25th to July 31st to apply for an R350 grant at the end of the month. 

To obtain funds, those SASSA candidates choose a post office. They have to get to the post office early in the morning since they have to wait in extensive lines if they arrive late. It is important to remember to bring your ID card and cell phone while picking up your grant since they will be needed to confirm your identification.

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