SA Enel Bursary 2024: Explore the Application Process

In collaboration with Dalitso Holdings, Enel Green Power is urging students to enroll in its scholarship program. Enel Green Power, one of the top renewable energy providers, provides scholarships to students in any subject and assists economically disadvantaged students in discovering new avenues for achieving their academic goals.

Enel bursary 2024 is the ideal option if you want to pursue higher education in South Africa but discover that your financial obligations are impeding your ability to learn. By applying for this bursary, you improve your employability and assist you in completing your education.

By reading our article, you may better grasp the Enel bursary program’s qualifying requirements, application procedure, coverage, and deadlines. So read on to gain further information.

About Enel Bursary:

Financial assistance programs, such as Enel bursaries, are offered to gifted young South African candidates from disadvantaged backgrounds. The Northern Cape, Western Cape, and Free State are among the provinces where the firm operates, and eligible applicants can apply for these bursaries. Additionally, the following students are targeted for the Enel bursary 2024:

Enel Bursary South Africa 20241
  •  High School (from Grade 8 to Matriculation)
  •  Tertiary studies

This scholarship is available to students in any field of study. However, it provides funding for all academic disciplines. Enel has adopted this transparent strategy to comprehend the many needs and support the growth of South Africa’s economy. Thus, the Enel bursary assists gifted and marginalized students in discovering fresh prospects and pursuing their aspirations.

What does the Enel Bursary cover?

Students can apply for bursaries from Enel in two categories: high school and tertiary. This implies that the student’s educational background and the particular demands related to their studies will determine how much they get in the Enel bursary. As a result, their costs could differ based on the kind. Let us go over this in more depth for you:

High School Bursary: Students who are enrolled in high school, especially those who are in Grade 8 through Matric, will get the following reimbursements:

  • School fees
  • Stationary
  • Textbooks
  • School uniforms
  • Transport costs

Tertiary Bursary: Candidates pursuing postsecondary education in any subject are eligible to apply for an Enel Tertiary Bursary, which includes funding for the following:

  • Tuition fees
  •  Registration fees
  •  Learning material And textbook allowance
  •  Meal allowance
  • Travel allowance
  • Examination fees (If applicable)
  • University accommodation

Enel bursary 2024 would give worthy young applicants the freedom to follow their academic goals without obstacles by providing these allowances.


You must meet the requirements to be chosen and given an Enel allowance. Your application will be rejected if you neglect to fulfill these necessary prerequisites. You need to include supporting documentation with your application so that it can be verified that you are eligible and a candidate. Now, let’s examine the necessary qualifications and supporting materials for the Enel Bursary 2024:

Before applying for an Enel bursary, you must confirm your qualifications for this scholarship program. The prerequisites listed below can help you be considered for selection in Enel’s bursary program:

  1. You ought to be a citizen of South Africa.
  2. You must live in the Free State, Northern Cape, or Western Cape and be within 50 kilometers of the Enel Sites: Pulida Energy, Sublunary Trading, Soetwater Wind Farm, or Karusa Wind Farm.
  3. To be eligible for a high school bursary, one must be enrolled in Grades 7 through 11 and be moving on to the following academic year.
  4. You must be enrolled in matriculation classes or have finished them this year and been admitted to a university to be eligible for a tertiary bursary.
  5. Own at least a 65% overall average.
  6. The household’s annual income must not exceed R357,000.

Necessary Documents:

As previously said, documents serve as evidence that allows students to demonstrate their eligibility for the bursary program. Some of the most critical documentation to provide to the Enel Bursary 2024 selection panel are listed below:

  • Authenticated duplicate of identification document
  • A certified copy of your parent’s identification papers if you are under eighteen
  • Current school report for bursary for high school
  • Evidence of university acceptance for a postsecondary bursary
  • current transcripts of academic performance for tertiary bursaries, if you are enrolled in classes
  • evidence of residency
  • Evidence of income
  • A disability-related medical certificate
  • A recommendation letter

Your chances of being accepted into the bursary program will increase if you meet the conditions of the Enel bursary. But before submitting your application for the bursary, ensure you have all of your supporting documentation together. When the documents have been reviewed, Dalitso Holdings and Enel Green Power South Africa will undertake interviews as part of the selection process.

Enel Bursary Online Application:

The Enel Bursary 2024 provides students with an easy application process. It gives customers the easiest method of accessing the application form. The procedures to apply for Enel’s bursary program are as follows:

  • Visit Dalitso Holdings’ official website.
  • The option “Bursaries” is located in the navigation bar.
  • Select the “Bursaries” option.
  • The “Apply Now” section may be at the bottom of the “Bursaries” page.
  • Enter all your information, such as your date of birth, ID number, phone number, and email address.
  • You may then fill out the application form with your personal information, guardian information, compliance information, and selection criteria.
  • Upload the files.
  • Carefully read the instructions and mark the box next to it.
  • Apply.

By following these guidelines, you may ensure that all necessary information and supporting materials are included in your application for the Enel Bursary 2024, which will help you submit it successfully.

Enel Bursary Closing Date:

The deadline for Enel’s bursaries for this year was January 12, 2024. Thus, those who applied for bursaries for the 2024–2025 school year but were not selected might try again the following year. For further information about the bursary’s opening and ending dates, visit the official websites of Dalitso Holdings and Enel Green Power.

Conversely, Dalitso Holdings will let you know whether you applied for the Enel Bursary 2024 and were chosen through the selection procedure. If you have any questions about the bursary program, you may get in touch with the providers directly at:

Through their bursary programs, Enel Green Power and Dalitso Holdings promote high school and university education comprehensively, which aids in the nation’s economic development. They also improve the prospects for South African pupils from disadvantaged origins, promoting academic performance. Therefore, it is a fantastic opportunity for anyone intending to apply for the Enel Bursary 2024.

But when you apply for this bursary, fulfill all qualifying conditions and send in the required paperwork as soon as possible. Above all, keep up with the most recent application deadlines and procedure details by visiting the appropriate websites. Doing this can improve your chances of receiving the Enel bursary.

Do you want a course quote to apply for a bursary for your education? Regenesys is there to assist you. We will provide you with an estimate of the cost of the Regenesys course you want to take. You may contact our career counselors right now for thorough advice.

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