SASSA SRD R370 Status Check: Know SRD R370 Payment Dates

Critical social grants, such as the R370 unemployment award, disability payments, and child support grants, are provided by SASSA to assist South Africa’s most disadvantaged inhabitants. Beneficiaries may see the progress of their applications using the agency’s online grant status checker tool, available at, to increase openness.

Our website, SASSA Status Check, also uses this API to provide easy self-service grant status checks. Just provide your ID and phone number to obtain the most recent information on your SASSA application. It is 100% accurate, quick, and cost-free. Check to see whether your income assistance request is granted or denied. Easily manage your government assistance.

Check SASSA SRD R370 Grant Status:

Recognizing the value of accessibility, SASSA provides several easy ways to find out the status of your R370 grant application. The procedure is meant to be simple, regardless of your preference for a website, WhatsApp, or USSD code. Take these easy actions:

How to check SASSA SRD R370 status1

Option 1: SASSA SRD Website

  • Go to, the official SASSA SRD website.
  • Under the “SRD Grant” section, find the “Check Online” option.
  • In addition to entering the cellphone number you entered throughout the application process, provide your South African ID number precisely as it appears on your application.
  • To see your current R370 grant status, click “Submit.”

Option 2: WhatsApp Messaging

  • Adding 082 046 8553, the particular WhatsApp number for SASSA, to your contacts
  • Send a fresh message with just the word “Status.”
  • Click your ID number and registered phone number by following the instructions.
  • SASSA will provide an update on the progress of your R370 grant application.

Option 3: USSD Code

  • Open the dialer on your mobile device and type *134*7737#.
  • Follow the audio instructions once you enter your phone number and ID number.
  • The status of your R370 grant will be visible right on your phone’s screen.

Whichever way you select, make sure the ID and phone numbers you used to apply for the R370 grant are the same. Even with little differences, errors may arise while attempting to get your accurate status.

What Do the R370 Grant Status Messages Mean?

You will receive one of many potential status messages from SASSA when you do an R370 status check. Knowing the significance of each communication is essential to determining the next course of action.

R370 Pending:

  • Meaning: SASSA is presently reviewing your R370 grant application.
  • Meaning: SASSA is analyzing your data and confirming your eligibility.
  • Action: Nothing has to be done immediately; keep checking for updates on the situation.

R370 Approved:

  • Interpretation: Kudos! We have accepted your application for the R370 award.
  • Consequence: You are now eligible to receive SASSA Action’s monthly.
  • R370 payment: Watch for correspondence on payment schedules and procedures.

R370 Declined:

  • Interpretation: Regretfully, the R370 grant application you submitted was not approved.
  • Implication: You were not eligible, and you explained why.
  • Action: You have 30 days to file an appeal with supporting documents against this ruling.

R370 Cancelled:

  • Meaning: The R370 grant payments that you are currently receiving have ended.
  • Implication: You are no longer eligible to receive the award because of a change in your circumstances.
  • Reapplying is possible if your circumstances change and you meet the requirements again.

R370 Under Review:

  • Meaning: Your R370 grant application or appeal is being reevaluated by SASSA.
  • Implication: Following your original decision, you supplied more information.
  • Step: Be patient as the SASSA reevaluates your case.

R370 Suspended:

  • Meaning: We’ve temporarily stopped paying your R370 grant.
  • Implication: Payment or administrative concerns are being fixed
  • Action: For instructions and updates, see the official SASSA channels.

You may take the necessary steps to increase your chances of getting the financial assistance you require during challenging times by being aware of these R370 grant status alerts.

Advice for Resolving Problems with the R370 Status Check:

Even though verifying the status of your R370 grant is meant to be simple, occasionally, there could be some difficulties. The following are some valuable hints for resolving typical problems:

Inaccurate Information

  • Verify again that the ID and phone numbers you are entering are precisely the same as those from your first application.
  • The system may be unable to locate your precise status if you make even errors.
  • If your phone number changes, immediately update your contact information with SASSA.

Connectivity Problems

  • USSD codes or WhatsApp communications may be interrupted by a bad network connection.
  • Relate to a location with a more robust WiFi or mobile data signal for better results.
  • Public libraries and cafés are excellent choices if you want dependable internet connectivity.

High Website Traffic

  • The SASSA website may take a while to load at busy times.
  • Try visiting the website late at night or early in the morning.
  • To start over, delete the cookies and cache in your browser.

Browser Compatibility

  • Make sure the web browser you are using is current and widely used.
  • Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome are dependable choices.
  • Older browsers can have trouble correctly displaying the SASSA website.

Conflicting Status

  • Check for 24 to 48 hours and recheck if the status appears inaccurate.
  • SASSA’s system may not update Your most recent status immediately.
  • After double-checking, contact SASSA directly if the incorrect status continues.

Documentation Needs

  • Identification documents or proof of address may be required when appealing a judgment that has been denied.
  • To ensure a more seamless procedure, prepare all necessary documentation in advance.
  • Let me know exactly why you think the first choice was incorrect.

Alternative Channels

  • If one approach isn’t working, try another, such as USSD or WhatsApp.
  • Several channels guarantee that you can always do an R370 status check.

Through SASSA’s user-friendly web channels, you may continue to track the status of your crucial R370 grant application and promptly rectify any issues by adhering to these simple troubleshooting guidelines.

SASSA Payment Dates for 2024 and 2025:

Use the table below to check the SASSA payment status and dates for 2024 and 2025.

Grant Month Older Persons Grant Disability Grant Children’s Grant
May 2024 03 May 2024 06 May 2024 07 May 2024
June 2024 02 June 2024 05 June 2024 06 June 2024
July 2024 04 July 2024 05 July 2024 06 July 2024
August 2024 02 August 2024 03 August 2024 04 August 2024
September 2024 05 September 2024 06 September 2024 07 September 2024
October 2024 03 October 2024 04 October 2024 05 October 2024
November 2024 02 November 2024 03 November 2024 06 November 2024
December 2024 01 December 2024 04 December 2024 05 December 2024
January 2025 03 January 2025 06 January 2025 07 January 2025
February 2025 04 February 2025 05 February 2025 06 February 2025
March 2025 04 March 2025 05 March 2025 06 March 2025

Utilize a Bank Account to Send Money through SASSA:

Step 1: Visit the SASSA Web Portal

  1. On your PC or mobile device, open your favorite online browser.
  2. In the address box, type “” and hit Enter to access the official SASSA website.

Step 2: Explore the SASSA SRD R350 Grant Opportunity

  1. Once at the homepage of the SASSA website, find the “R350 Grant” option and click on it. You can see this in the menu or homepage, depending on how the website is laid out.

Step 3: Select Payment Method

  1. Select the payment method that best suits your needs from the options provided in the R350 Grant section. Seek out the option to select a bank transfer as your payment method.
  2. To continue, select the “Bank Transfer” option.

Step 4: Enter Bank Account Details

  1. When you choose the bank transfer option, a request to input your bank account information will appear. Make sure you have the following details at your fingertips:
  2. Number of bank account IBAN Branch ID and Code
  3. Your name should be on file with the bank.

Step 5: Input Banking Details

  1. With care, enter the necessary financial information into the appropriate areas on the SASSA website. Double-check every detail to guarantee correctness and prevent any payment delays or errors.

Step 6: Verify and Submit

  1. After entering all the required bank account information, pause to go over the data you’ve submitted. Verify that everything is accurate, including the bank account holder’s name.
  2. Once the information has been confirmed, click “Submit” or “Save” to continue.

Step 7: Confirmation

  1. The bank payments transfer option has been effectively modified, as indicated by the confirmation message on the screen when you input your bank account information.
  2. A confirmation email to the contact information you entered with SASSA may also be sent.

Step 8: Await Payment

  1. On the specified payment days, after your bank account information has been successfully entered as the payment mechanism for your R350 reward, you will receive payments directly into your bank account.

Millions of South Africans struggling financially rely heavily on the R370 SRD stipend as their financial lifeline. Monitoring your grant status regularly allows you to comprehend your situation and take appropriate action completely. It’s easier than ever to be informed about your R370 award using SASSA’s user-friendly online alternatives. Throughout the application process, don’t be afraid to use these helpful resources; your health and well-being come first.

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