Financial obstacles frequently prevent thousands of students from pursuing their higher education ambitions. You should apply for the ISFAP bursary if you are a member of South Africa’s Missing Middle.
Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme Bursary:
A financing scheme called the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP) bursaries help students who fit into the “Poor” and “Missing Middle” categories of need.
The term “missing middle” describes students from working-class families who are ineligible for financial aid from the government bursary program, commonly known as the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. These pupils still can’t afford college, even if they don’t qualify for NSFAS financing.

- Poor: R0 to R350,000 in household income
- The income range for the missing middle is R350,000 to R600,000.
The ISFAP Bursary is supported by donations from domestic and foreign donors, non-profit organizations, governmental organizations, private citizens, and professional businesses. Its primary focus is assisting students in reaching their objectives and earning their credentials. Additionally, it seeks to promote economic development and equality by providing possibilities for success in various professions, such as accountancy, medicine, engineering, and the arts. Not to mention! The following are the goals of ISFAP:
- Lower the rate of learning dropouts.
- Provide students with more excellent career options.
- Create a talented and skilled staff.
Who does ISFAP fund?
For first-time undergraduate students enrolled at any of the 11 universities with which ISFAP is currently affiliated, financial help is provided by ISFAP.
“We financially support first-time university registrants. Therefore, you must be enrolled for an undergraduate degree, your first time attending a postsecondary institution. Postgraduate studies are not covered by the scholarship, according to Biyela.
- Pupils whose annual home income falls between R0 to R600 000.
- citizens of South Africa
- applying or registering at a partner university
- pursuing a certification listed on the financing list of ISFAP
The chosen programs and courses include highly sought-after careers and in-demand skill sets essential to South Africa’s economic growth.
Universities are Partnered with ISFAP:
- University of Johannesburg
- Walter Sisulu University
- University of Venda
- University of KwaZulu Natal
- University of Cape Town
- Nelson Mandela University
- Stellenbosch University
- Central University of Technology
- Tshwane University of Technology
- University of Pretoria
- Wits University
ISFAP will eventually collaborate with all 26 South African public universities.
How Does ISFAP Funding Work?
Under the terms of the financial assistance program, every student will get enough money to pay for books, food, a stipend (living allowance), transportation, lodging, and books in addition to their tuition.
A grant bursary that is wholly financed will be used for this. Universities will also offer students academic assistance, social support, training in life skills, and medical assistance as needed.
According to Biyela, one of the program’s primary goals is to use its support system to lower the percentage of university dropouts.
Dropouts’ likelihood decreases when students receive help—not just financial or academic, but also psychological and counseling care when needed. Biyela continues.
- Fees for instruction
- Accommodation
- Food
- Textbooks, a calculator, and other educational resources
- Pocket money or living allowance
- Nonacademic student support services include project managers, tutors, life coaches, administrative assistants, life skills instructors, and staff mentors.
Since ISFAP covers the entire study cost, the total funding cost varies by school. A student’s total educational expenses typically come to about R166 668.00.