Any South African citizen over 60 may find that submitting a 2024 SASSA pension application, which the South African Social Security Agency handles, is essential to preserving their standard of living. All 2024 SASSA pension applications must meet several standards, though, mainly if you hire someone to file on your behalf.
If you didn’t know, any South African citizen, permanent resident, or refugee who is 60 years of age or older may apply for a 2024 SASSA pension. The government pension scheme in South Africa is distinct in that it is based on both means and assets. The needs list will be covered in more detail later. The good news is that someone else may apply for an SASSA pension in 2024 on your behalf.
Who can File A SASSA Pension Application?
All nationals and permanent residents of South Africa who are 60 years of age or older are eligible to apply for the SASSA pension in 2024. The pension plan offered by the South African government is unique in that it is based on your income and assets. The nice thing is that if you’re not good at applying yourself, someone else can do it for you.

A relative or friend may apply if you are too elderly or ill to visit an SASSA office. They must present a document stating your incapacity to see the SASSA office, signed by you or your physician. Along with your application, you must complete a form. The whole application procedure must be conducted in the presence of an SASSA official.
Qualifies for an SASSA Pension:
- Only people who live in South Africa permanently are eligible.
- A valid form of identification (ID) is required.
- You have to be the recipient of no more social grants.
- I have attained the age of sixty.
- Not get care in any state-run facility.
- A maximum of R1 227 600 worth of assets may be held in your name.
- You can’t have more than R2 455 200 in your name if you’re married.
- Earnings are limited to R86,280 for single people and R172,560 for married people yearly.
How much Cash will you Receive?
Pensions are paid monthly to qualifying citizens, permanent residents, and refugees by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) if they reach the age of sixty. The pension recipient’s age determines how much they get. For a more thorough explanation, see this:
Pension Increase in April 2024:
There was an increase in the SASSA pension levels as of April 2024. In particular:
- For individuals over 60, the pension has been raised to R2,180 per month. This implies that SASSA pays R2,180 monthly to each qualified person in this age bracket.
- Those 75 years or above receive a larger monthly pension, totaling R2,200. This recognizes the extra requirements and difficulties that aging may present.
Increase Predicted for October 2024:
The SASSA pension levels are evaluated and modified regularly to reflect inflation and changes in living expenses. The following modification is planned for October 2024:
- The 60-year-old pension will now total R2,190 after an increase of R10.
- Similarly, the pension will rise by R10 for people 75 years of age and above, for a new monthly total of R2,210.
This implies that beginning in October 2024, those who qualify will get a higher monthly sum that may help meet their living expenditures. It’s crucial to remember that these figures might alter because SASSA reviews them regularly.
Which Documents are required?
These papers, including copies, must be in the possession of the person applying for you:
- One that is verifiable.
- If you are married, provide documentation of your marital status.
- A release letter from your most recent employer or the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) if you were previously employed.
- Evidence of revenue or dividends.
- Proof of address.
- Three-month bank statement.
- Evidence of everything you possess, including homes.
How Long Does It Take?
It may take over three months to process an application for a 2024 SASSA pension. However, you will receive money from the moment of application if it is approved. You have ninety days to file an appeal if your SASSA grant application is rejected.